Our Work

Check Out What We Do

We like to build cool stuff. Whether you're looking for a custom website, a data science project, or a full stack application, we might know a thing or two. Check out some of our recent projects below to see what we've been up to. Let's get your project on the list next!

Textbook Analysis (Alpha)


Textbook Analysis is a GPT-4 powered course generator built on top of a full and feature rich LMS. It is built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Supabase. It uses the Supabase API to fetch courses and display them on the front end. It also uses the Supabase API to allow for users to create new courses and store them in the database. It also uses the GPT-4 API to generate custom course content on the fly based on any textbook or syllabus.



TCS Tracker Ultra

Admin Dashboard

TCS Tracker Ultra is a SaaS product that allows instructors at theCoderSchool to track their students' progress and attendance. It is built with the Pike13 API, NextJS, and TailwindCSS. Integrated recursive GPT-4 calls allow for instructors to generate custom reports and emails with the click of a button.



NBA Analytics

Data Science

NBA Analytics is a data science project that uses Python, Pandas, and Flask for data collection and analysis. Data visualization is done with D3 and React to build custom charts and graphs. The project has GPT-4 integration for generating custom reports on the fly.



Byte Blogger


Byte Blogger is a personal dev blog built on the Supabase BaaS. It is built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Supabase. It uses the Supabase API to fetch blog posts and display them on the front end. It also uses the Supabase API to allow for users to create new blog posts and store them in the database.



Spelling Hive


Spelling Hive is a clone of the famous New York Times Spelling Bee game. It is built with Flask, React, and TailwindCSS. It uses the New York Times API to fetch the daily puzzle and display it on the front end. It also uses players to challenge each other and use an algorithm to show the best possible words to play.



3D Print Shop


3D Print Shop is an e-commerce store that sells 3D printed products. It is built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Stripe. It uses the Stripe API to process payments and the Stripe API to fetch products and display them on the front end. It also uses the Stripe API to allow for users to create new products and store them in the database.


Firewave is a technology-driven innovation company committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses and drive progress.
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Copyright © 2023 Firewave LLC. Made with ♥ bySam Amanat.Illustrations fromLottie