
Choose the plan that's right for you.

Here at Firewave, we offer a variety of pricing plans to suit your needs. Whether you're a small business looking to get your feet wet in the digital landscape, or a large corporation looking to take your business to the next level, we've got you covered.

Web App
  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • 2 API Integrations
  • Deployed to Vercel
  • 1 Revision
  • 1 Week Turnaround
  • GPT-4 Function Calls
  • Backend Database
  • D3 Data Visualization
  • Custom Domain
  • Custom Email
  • Custom Design
Full Stack App
  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • 4 API Integrations
  • Deployed to Vercel
  • 2 Revisions
  • 2 Week Turnaround
  • GPT-4 Function Calls
  • Backend Database
  • D3 Data Visualization
  • Custom Domain
  • Custom Email
  • Custom Design
Premium App
  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • 6 API Integrations
  • Deployed to Vercel
  • 3 Revisions
  • 3 Week Turnaround
  • GPT-4 Function Calls
  • Backend Database
  • D3 Data Visualization
  • Custom Domain
  • Custom Email
  • Custom Design
Firewave is a technology-driven innovation company committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses and drive progress.
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Copyright © 2023 Firewave LLC. Made with ♥ bySam Amanat.Illustrations fromLottie