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NextJS Blog

Building Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes

Dive into the world of microservices architecture and Kubernetes to create applications that can scale effectively. Explore the benefits of microservices, understand how Kubernetes orchestrates containers, and learn about advanced techniques for networking, storage, and security.

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NextJS Blog

Mastering Next.js: From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques

Uncover the power of Next.js for building modern web applications. Delve into server-side rendering, static site generation, data fetching, layout components, state management, authentication, deployment, SEO, and accessibility. This comprehensive guide will equip you to excel in your Next.js projects.

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NextJS Blog

Supercharge Your Apps with Supabase: An In-Depth Guide

Experience the magic of Supabase, an open-source alternative to Firebase, for building powerful and scalable applications. Learn how to set up databases, perform authentication, manage real-time data, and create APIs using Supabase. This guide will empower you to harness Supabase for your projects.

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